Ways Make Your Wedding Affordable

fall-wedding-bouquet-ideasIt’s generally known that weddings are expensive. In fact, the cost of having a wedding in the United States is approximately $20,000. This makes many American couples to seek for cheaper alternatives when purchasing wedding items. From the cake to the wedding ring, there are many popular choices that won’t compromise quality when it comes to being more affordable. You simply don’t want to start out your marriage with a hefty wedding debt. Here are some ways that you can have the wedding of your dreams on a newlywed’s budget. 
1. Keep it Private
Consider cutting down your guest list to only your close friends and family. Intimate weddings can be much more meaningful, and they can save you thousands.
2. Select an Off Season Date
When selecting a date for your wedding, don’t be afraid to stray away from the norm. You may be able to afford that amazing venue if you plan to have your wedding on a Sunday or a weeknight. Also, planning your wedding off-season will save you money as well. Instead of planning your big event during the height of wedding season, opt for an elegant fall wedding or a white winter wedding.
3. Skip the Cake
Just because cake is an age old wedding tradition doesn’t mean you should have one at your wedding. Consider other dessert options, such as elegant tarts, éclairs, or beautifully decorated cupcakes or cookies.
4. Rent Your Wedding Gown
Many women insist on buying a wedding gown, which can cost thousands. After the big day, they have it dry-cleaned (another added expense), and then kept in storage. Why not just rent your wedding dress and save the additional cost?
5. Use Contemporary Invitations
While the internet makes it possible for you to order anything online, consider customizing your wedding invitations. Simply upload an adorable picture of the happy couple, and use a print website to customize the rest. You’ll be amazed at how easy and affordable it is to make your own wedding invitations. Ask guests to RSVP by phone or email and skip the added cost for including a return envelope with your invitation.
6. Limit Your Menu
Guests don’t expect a lavish sit down dinner when they attend a wedding. Keep it simple. Select your favourite beverage, such as pink lemonade, and serve it alongside ice water with lemons. It is easy to set up a beautiful buffet table, and fill it with simple hors d’oeuvres. During your reception, guests can munch on delicious snacks and indulge in tarts and cupcakes.

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